About the Allotments
Our allotment site consists of approximately 70 plots of varying sizes and is situated on the south side of Radstock Road opposite the trading estate of JB Autos car repair workshops, 50m west of the B&NES Recycling Centre. BA3 2AD will get you there.
Anyone living within the borders of Midsomer Norton Town is invited to apply for an allotment. To see if you are in the right area see msn map. Anyone outside of this area cannot be considered for a plot.
To enquire about a plot and to be placed on the waiting list please e-mail info@msnallotments.net.
A member of the team will be in contact when there is a plot available. You will then be met onsite by one of the Committee team to show you around the site and the plot, answer any questions you have an go over the terms and conditions and if you are happy to proceed, sign a tenancy form and discuss rental.
All new allotments holders are given 3 months to cultivate the plot up to 50% and following this grace period the plot must maintain in a cultivated to 75%. A notice period of 4 weeks must be given when you no longer wish to keep the plot.
Benefits of becoming an allotment holder with us.
As well as being in a friendly and supportive community with wonderful plots of various sizes to suit everyone, you can also enjoy the following –
- Social meetings – arranged on a regular basis
- Facebook – Follow our public page to stay up to date with the local community & allotment news – Open to the public for everyone to see!
Search Midsomer Norton Allotments or click below
Then get in touch with other allotment members, ask questions and share information in a secure and private group for allotment holders only (all requests to join with be approved by the committee only if you are an active plot holder or on request).
Search MSN Allotment Holders or click below.
- Water supply at various points on site
- Central shed – used for tool sharing / push mowers.
- Supplies – manure can be supplied to order and delivered by the load at a cost of £1 per barrow load.
- Wood chips are supplied by local firms free of charge.
Please note that the payment of rent does not guarantee possession of the allotment. If terms of tenancy are breached you may be asked to hand your plot back to the control of the Association. Essentially each plot needs to be maintained and cultivated to at least 75%, from time to time the Site Officer will carry out an audit of the site and we operate a red, amber, green system, Green – all good, amber you will be contacted to discuss any concerns, red would indicate breach of contract and potential termination of agreement.
Plot rentals run from 1st October to 30th September and payment is due annually by the end of October each year. If you join after 30 May, then half the annual payment is applicable. The rental varies according to the area. It is one plot per person.